After a five year lapse in posting, I wrote something about Thanksgiving. I thought Thanksgiving dinner would be at St. Timothy’s Catholic Church just up the hill, and found myself writing about catholics and protestants and Martin Luther. It took me a while to remember which buttons to push and how to adjust the spacing, but I persisted. A few days later I was told the dinner had nothing to do with St. Timothy’s. It was going to be held at the Community Center across the street and was sponsored by a collection of people who do Monday night dinners at the Vets Hall. That forced me to write a retraction of sorts and to offer a photograph of a tiny portion of the pumpkin pie display. The next day I posted a picture of a California poppy — they were bursting out all over at the time. I added a few words, and was off and running.
In the year that followed I posted three hundred ninety times. Thirty-six posts were without photographs, but others had two or more. The bulk of them were taken on my daily walk, and as a result, there was occasional repetition. But the same plant was capable of eliciting many posts. I allowed myself to be surprised, both by the photographs I took and the words I attached to them. Almost nothing was premeditated.
I developed what appeared to be a small but dependable readership, though it’s hard to tell. I’m reasonably certain that most of those showing up as readers found my blog using Google Search. When readership swings from several hundred to two or three the next day, it seems clear that what they were searching for was not what they found. The three hundred ninety posts generated three comments and one email, only one of which had anything to do with the contents of a post, leading me to believe that almost no one, in fact, read what I wrote. To be perfectly clear, I was not expecting a barrage of correspondence. What I wrote was never in the hopes that someone would answer.
But a year is enough. I have other things to do. Thanksgiving will be my last post for the foreseeable future. I've written posts up to and including that day. If you land here and find something you like, I suppose that’s good. Enjoy. Otherwise, as they say every Sunday at St. Timothy's, with or without Thanksgiving, pax vobiscum.