I suppose one could devote an entire blog to nothing but birthdays and anniversaries. There are only 365 days in a year, not counting leap year, so the odds of it being someone’s birthday amounts to one in three hundred sixty-five. Not a spectacular long shot. And saying that someone is 29 years old might be interesting, especially to the person whose birthday it is, but it would also lack gravitas. At least half the population is or has been 29. But saying that two people have been married — to each other — for 29 years takes your breath away. You could go up and down the street mile after mile, and the odds are you would not find a single couple.
I found out on my walk today that Terry and Cami, mentioned on this blog numerous times, are celebrating their 29th wedding anniversary. And not just celebrating it, but celebrating as the same happy couple they were 29 years ago. It boggles the mind and reminds almost all of us how far we have failed in the pursuit of perfection. Happy Anniversary to the happiest couple I know.