There’s a ladybug in this picture, reminiscent of Where’s Waldo, if you remember those books. (Hint: it's in the lower left center, partially hidden. You can double click the image for a larger one.) Waldo, by the way, was originally Wally in England, but became Waldo in the US and Canada, though that means nothing to the ladybug. It must, however, have meant something to Little Brown & Co.
I took this picture because it seemed like the plant displayed almost infinite energy. This is only a tiny portion of it, but it has so many leaves in so many variations of color that it seems almost beyond human comprehension, like the stars on a very clear night. The fact is, I only saw the ladybug as I wondered what to say about this picture. I was using Photoshop to conceal something distracting on the ground. I don't usually do that. But I did it so well that I'm no longer sure where that was. Only that it must have been somewhere near the ladybug.
I find myself wondering if on some future walk this wonderful plant will fade into the background for some equally wonderful bloom.