Every so often it’s not a flower I see, but a veritable profusion of flowers. If there were one daisy-like flower on a long stem, it would be fascinating, and I have photographed and posted a number of them. But when there is no beginning and no end, the mind responds quite differently. Or maybe it doesn’t respond. Maybe it’s just too much to take in. This is a detail of a yellow bush which is green just underneath and has what seems to be just another profusion of buds ready to bloom. I stare at it and feel dumbfounded.
This is a purplish, greenish bush with a profusion of flowers that seem to grow until the petals fall off and are then replaced with fresh petals. It seems in no hurry to complete its work. I find these absolutely irresistible. There’s a whole row of these bushes in the front yard of a house on a side street here in town. I thought for sure I would miss the bus looking so long at flowers.
And this profusion of miniscule flowers, no bigger than a lady bug (can you see it?) make the bush more lavender than green. If you step back to show the bush, you can’t see the flowers. If you look at the flowers, the bush is gone. The lady bug must feel that it died and went to heaven.
Every uninteresting bush in this town blooms sooner or later, if you have the patience to wait. Sometimes it’s one magnificent bloom and sometimes an almost infinite number of smaller blooms. I keep my eye on all of them.