This picture seems to include a rather large, very long legged bug. I’ve had this picture for a while. I took it outside my surgeon's office on the way to the bus. I used it as an excuse to stop walking for a while. Taking flower pictures has provided many breaks, and given me time to recover. I stored it in a file on the desktop and looked at it every so often wondering what to say. After a while I noticed something that looked a lot like a bug. After many viewings it seemed to have all the parts of a bug, leading to the inevitable conclusion. If bugs disguise themselves to protect them from predators, and humans are terrible anti-bug predators — swatting flies and stepping on ants — then this bug was unusually successful. The flower looks like a pinwheel, which caught my eye, but the bug looks like a diminutive Godzilla, something that a tiny human would be rightly terrified of. But it took weeks for me to feel this terror, because it managed to hide itself in plain view.