This picture was taken from the fourth floor window of the West Los Angeles Veterans Hospital. It was taken years ago when I was hospitalized for a week to find out what was wrong with me. The visit was inconclusive and was repeated a few weeks later with almost the same results. Being in the hospital doesn’t cure anything and it only sometimes helps to determine what’s wrong with you. In hind sight it should have been obvious, but I was always one step ahead of the prevailing analysis. Nonetheless, the stay was interesting, if nothing else. At some point I walked over to the window and through a thick screen took this picture. I don’t think I gave it another thought.

Today I received something from Google that included this photograph. They were asking me to try their new photo ap. It looked very familiar. The pointy thing toward the left of center is the tower of the Mormon Los Angeles California Temple. I remember when they were building it. Apparently it was nearing sunset. The sky had changed color. The foreground was drifting into darkness. And, as I said, I never gave it another thought. But the photograph existed in Google space, and a computer found it and thought… Of course computers don’t think. The computer thought this might be a good example to capture my attention. And it did, but not for the photo ap. It brought back memories of floating above the earth in silence with the light seeping slowly away and with no connection to the things I recognized. It was a moment both beautiful and empty, forgotten but now remembered. So before it fades into memories no longer used, I decided to share it with you. Nothing is ever lost.