There are three of these in the flower bed off the parking lot, and another in front of the Morro Bay Visitor Center. I could only squeeze two into the picture. They are so big and prominent that people seem actually to miss them. They’re a bit like the trees people don’t see. In the background is the Recreation Hall of St. Vincent’s Catholic Church, though I’m not sure they call it that, and just a piece of the church’s roof top in the distance. A huge number of people drive past here on their way to Albertsons. I think they are more concerned about traffic than plants, or what they are trying not to forget that they need at the market. I have that problem too. I’m not sure if this is just the stem and it’s going to flower, or if this is it. I also wonder if it’s like the yucca, where after the bloom goes up the plant itself dies. I certainly hope not. If you’d like to guess, feel free. I’ll update with future posts. I should also add that though the blooms must have been growing for some time, and I walk past here on a regular basis, I never once noticed them until today.