Last week I wrote something about a plant So ugly that… I felt obligated to check in with it each time I passed. Last night something seemed wrong. There was more of it, and it certainly did not grow over night.
Then I remembered a conversation about another healthier plant in the back yard, one I hadn’t seen, that was going great guns. But when I got home I remembered their plans to build a second story on the small house. It’s a cute house, but with a wife and baby, both of them equally cute, it had grown small.
So then it came to me. They are moving things out front to save them from future workmen. The back yard will have people trudging around and things piled high. The front yard will be a don’t touch area. So there it is. Two versions of the same ugly plant in a single harmonious planting. It makes me feel warm inside to see how much some people care.