I suppose a botanist could look at these flowers and say they need more water, or there isn’t enough phosphorus in the soil. They seem a bit worse for wear. Or possibly the botanist would merely say they’re a bit old and about to wither and die. It’s hard to tell what’s what when you stumble upon things. So they may be struggling to exist or they may have already existed and are now just in their declining phase. But if you’ll look very carefully at the pixelated blur just above the intense yellow portion of the left flower, you’ll see a greenish colored bug — at least I saw a greenish colored bug — climbing down to the sex organs of the flower. You can also doubleclick the picture. The bug was wide eyed and mesmerized. So, whatever stage these flowers are at, they are currently doing their job. Maybe their rundown appearance just makes them easier for the bugs to see and relate to. I felt sorry for them until I saw the bug. And then I thought clever, very clever. This flower doesn’t care what I think. It cares what bugs think.