Weeds 3
This looks to be something more than a common weed. Struggling for survival in an unkindly place, it clutches to the ground and reaches outward. It would be simple to say merely that it’s programmed to do so. But does one word sum up this activity? Have we reached an understanding if we find a word that says what we seem to feel? It’s like saying that the peddle is what makes the car go. Yes, you push the peddle and the car goes, but you have to push the right peddle at the right time for the right thing to happen. And even so, it’s not the peddle that makes the car go. The peddle is connected to a process that we barely understand. Between push and go is a seemingly infinite series of things linked one to the next that makes something happen. Like clutching and reaching. Having said these words, do we understand the plant? Or have we just tried to move on to something else?