Two months ago I posted a rather dramatic picture of this plant in Bonsai taken at a corner lot about halfway up the hill on my daily walk. I talked about the owner being “meticulous.” The picture was from last December, but long before that, before I started taking pictures along the way, I watched him trim or prune what I took to be a tree inch by inch, an all day job. I watched him trim one tiny branch. Well, trimming time must have been while I was in the hospital. When I took my first walk I was dumfounded. There’s a house behind the bush or tree or plant. The tree was so tightly trimmed that you could see right through it. It seemed hardly there. I suppose he trimmed it the same way last year, but I’d forgotten the impact it made. And if it was twenty then, that means this is the twenty-first year of trimming it. May the process go on forever.