The day after the new year began I posted something called Airbrushed or Watercolored, a single flower that was pristine white with a center almost artificially colored. I couldn’t remember where I’d seen it. I found it in the collection of things photographed that day on the desktop computer. It was part of a hedge growing up and over a tall fence onto the sidewalk. The day I took the picture it was by itself, but with buds behind it. Well, I passed that fence again today and can tell you that there are now ten thousand flowers just like it seemingly everywhere. I’m not sure if it’s more or less amazing when multiplied. It’s hard to see just one when there are clusters of them, many clusters, running down the fence. It’s like seeing a beautiful girl, and then seeing six or seven of her. It’s right, but also wrong. Something leads us to believe that beautiful things come in small boxes and in limited editions. But when there is too much beauty in one place we begin to ask questions and wonder.