I’ve called a number of flowers daisy like, but this, I think, is actually a daisy. Of course, I could be wrong. There’s a tiny bug on the far right petal and up one. I found the bug when I looked closely at the photograph. All of the flowers look to be in similar condition, by which I mean not perfect, and this leads me to believe that it’s typical of this variety. It’s in a strip with a sprinkler system, so it gets plenty of water. I think I snapped this picture as a reminder to find out what the limits of daisies are. And having pursued that question for a few minutes on Wikipedia, I realize that daisies could be a lifetime study — there is absolutely no end to them. They come in all colors and proportions imaginable. Of course, my personal study consists of those growing on my walk to the store and back, and even then there seem too many to master. Bellis perennis, or the common daisy, according to Wikipedia, is often considered to be an invasive weed. To which I say, more Bellis perennis.