In the middle of last month I posted something called Tiny Flower in a Neglected Hedge. It’s a picture I’ve had waiting to be posted for a while. The flower in the post is about the size of my thumbnail. But on the day it posted I noticed something on the way home. Another flower that was as larger as my fist was growing perhaps a foot from the original one. I was coming down with something that I don’t think you can catch over the Internet. In fact, I became very sick and ended up in the hospital for two weeks. But the flower stopped and confused me. It seemed to be a giant flower of similar color, the first of a cluster to bloom. The original had notched leaves which, if you look carefully, you can see just out of focus in this photograph. Apparently there are two different hedge plants growing in the same space, over the same fence. After remembering the minuscule nature of the first, this one seems like Godzilla, though in the photograph it probably looks a lot like all the others. So I give you everything except the confusion and the amazement, asking that you try to imagine it.
Today on the way to dialysis, after mourning the loss of The Yoga Center once again, I saw that someone had been out with a hedge trimmer and, in complete disregard for these beautiful blooms, hacked and whacked everything back to exposed stems and branches. Good job. There should be something in the CC&Rs to prevent this from happening. No more flowers on this corner for another year.