I pass this way every six weeks or so. It’s on the way I walk to the barber shop. I hate haircuts enough that I pretend I’m doing almost anything else. I focus on getting there and on the way I block out almost everything else for fear that I won’t get there at all. And when I noticed this to the left of me about a block from home, I almost forgot about haircuts. I seem to have posted a neighboring flower of tyis type on the fourth of this month in Speak the Speech I Pray You. But I don't think one can look too often at such things. This is a stupendous bloom. Or, I should say, these are stupendous. They seem unnecessarily complex for such a forgettable shrub. But this is why shrubs continue, I suppose. It’s almost as if something tropical and exotic got accidentally crossed with something about to be tossed out. An ordinary bush with world class flowers. Large puffy things. Brightly colored. Absolutely mysterious. I looked for the longest time before remembering why I happened to be there.