This flower was in a ramshackle garden off the beaten path. Plants growing up in a pile of junk and and one solitary flower. But what a flower. To the right, on a leaf, you’ll see an interesting bug. We don’t have many bugs here, except the ants that perpetually wander around my kitchen. When it rains they pursue the kitchen, when the sun’s out I never see them. As for all the other bugs, maybe it’s the weather. Maybe bugs like a bit more heat and sunshine. I’m grasping at straws here, but the truth is, we have very few bugs. I think this is the only one I’ve caught in a photograph. But the flower. It seems to go with the pointy leaves, which I associate with geraniums, and a good botanist, I suppose, would be able to identify it off the top of his head. But no bother. This garden is one flower and one bug away from total obscurity.