To my knowledge there are no flowers associated with ivy. Of course, I could be wrong. I think ivy reproduces by aggressively continuing on its path. I know that it takes forever to get rid of ivy, because there’s always some of it left somewhere and before long, like ants in the kitchen, the ivy’s back. Here are some new leaves pushing out beyond older ones. The older leaves will darken and die when they have no light, but the ivy will continue. It looks nice when carefully maintained, but left to its own it can engulf an entire house. It should come with a warning notice and a delete button. I’m going deeply into my childhood to say these things. I remember filling up trash cans with pulled out ivy. And then, over weeks and months, watching it grow back. It’s a bit like bamboo which sends out shoots under sidewalks if necessary to grow where it wasn’t planted. We sometimes thought that unchecked bamboo could threaten the foundation of the house. A little of it here and there looked so elegant, until it was coming up in the middle of the lawn and pushing through the air vents. Bamboo and ivy are both, I think, beautiful weeds. I really enjoy them in a garden that isn’t mine.