This to me looks like an elaborate Christmas decoration, except that it floats above instead of hanging below the branch. A while back, I can’t remember exactly when, I saw a man in his front yard surrounded by tree trimmings. The house is on one of the corners I walk past every day. He said that every year or so he trims the tree. It has a thick, gnarly trunk and stands about one story high. He uses a tall ladder to do the upper sections. It seems like a very large bonsai to me, so carefully has it been shaped. He’s been doing this for twenty some years. He couldn’t remember when he started just as I can’t remember when I saw him. The purple decorations were a total surprise today. There are hundreds of them distributed evenly around the tree as if carefully placed. They seem like spots of color at a distance, but the closer you get the more impossible they seem. I’m guessing this tree or shrub would be, except for the blooms, unremarkable without twenty years attention and an artistic heart.