I heard yesterday that St. Timothy's Catholic Church up the road is having a Thanksgiving dinner this year. I had spaghetti in their hall about six months ago and had a wonderful time. My neighbor attends St. Timothy's. When I was told, I asked what day the dinner would be and was informed that Thanksgiving is the fourth Thursday of the month. "So, they're having it on Thanksgiving," I said. There was a pause followed by a glare that said rather distinctly what a moron. But later I was told that Calvary Church about two blocks from here was also having a Thanksgiving dinner. Against my better judgment I asked when they were having it. The answer was, "I think they're having it on Tuesday so the people who work there can spend Thanksgiving with their families." Or, maybe, have dinner at the Catholic Church. Martin Luther, I think, based his 95 Theses on something much deeper than theology.